Monday 17 November 2014

Quiet atmosphere Sand Beach Virgin Pari Island Thousand Islands

One more interesting sights in Pari Island, Thousand Islands, this is the beach which is located east of the island of Pari namely Virgin Sand Beach. It was said that the beach is a virgin, which means that the beach is not much untouched by humans because it's hidden location. No wonder if you should visit the beach is named for the Virgin Sand Beach. So naturally if the beach is named for the Virgin Sand Beach because when you get to this beach, you will see beautiful scenery still, so quiet and beautiful to enjoy, especially if while on vacation in the Virgin's Pasir you bring a spouse, certainly the atmosphere of your holiday feels very romantic.

Sand Beach Virgin designation is in addition because the situation is still beautiful and yet many touchable man, according to the locals as well due to events in the past. According to residents, once on the beach there are two young couple who were playing that one of them is still a virgin. When they are cool to play somehow child who is still a virgin it suddenly disappeared. According to the story anyway population was due to the loss of a child abducted by a genie occupants beach. Actually this is not just a fairy tale, as witnesses only child is still alive and have children.Hutan Bakau Pantai Pasir Perawan
In addition to the quiet atmosphere of this beach, you will also be made amazed by the view of mangrove forests that surround the coast. Characteristic of beaches that are rarely touched by humans is the presence of mangroves or commonly called Mangrove Forest. Mangrove forests that surround the Virgin sand beach can indeed add beautiful scenery around the coast, plus the waves were so calm and the sea water is so clear, it can not be described in words the beautiful scenery of this virgin sand beach.Suasana di Pinggir Pantai Pasir Perawan
To achieve this Pari Island and visit the Virgin sand beach, you can start the journey from the city of Jakarta. Start from the port of Muara Angke, your trip will be delivered using passenger ships. And indeed all the way to the Thousand Islands, including Scout Island will start from Muara Angke North Jakarta. Cost of transport by passenger ship is relatively cheaper, just pay 35,000 dollars only you are able to reach the island of Pari.

If you've reached this virgin sand beach, you can take a rest stop at the stalls population just drink coffee or drink coconut ice. Residents around the friendly-friendly beach. Time to drink coffee in the shop will be more cool to do if it was night. You can see more beautiful view of the beach, do not be surprised if you see a lot of tents standing around the beach if the night had arrived. Yes, here residents also rent tents for tourists so that they can spend the night with friends in the tent. Tent rental price is not too expensive, you only pay 80,000 for a tent.
Pantai Pasir Perawan Pulau Pari
After your evening, do not miss to watch the sunrise views from the edge of the Virgin's Sand Beach. Capture the beautiful moments with taking pictures with friends or family.

Oh yes, there is also the Virgin Sand Beach tree named Eternal Tree. This tree is in the middle of the sea and into the tree that stands alone. It is around this Eternal Tree many standing trees but another tree that grew in, this is the only tree that grows Eternal alone. No wonder if the tree is named Eternal Tree.

If you intend to vacation with your spouse, family, or friends, do not miss to visit the Virgin Sand Beach on the island of Pari this, your holiday is guaranteed to be enjoyable. Especially for those people in Jakarta are the days busy with activities and congestion in Jakarta City. Visiting Sand Beach Virgin will refresh your mind.

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